How do I look up what my coins are worth?
Simply type a description of your coin into the search box. Include enough details like the year, denomination or coin name (dime, quarter, half-dollar…etc.), grade, mint, or any other details that uniquely identify your coin.
How do I refine my search?
If you get too many results not like yours, try refining your search by adding more details to or using the checkboxes. The checkboxes are a great way to pick a few “comps” or comparable coins you’d like to use to generate a worth estimate. If you’re not sure which comps to pick, click the thumbnail image to see more details about the coin.
What data is used to generate the price?
We’re currently using data from eBay sold listings… items that have sold within the last 6 months. We’re constantly making improvements to Mavin, including adding data sources to our database… so expect more data and more accurate results in the future.
How Mavin calculate the worth?
The worth is based on your search results or, if you use the checkboxes, the comparable coins you picked. If you don’t use the checkboxes, then we use the average price (with results like “lots”, “reprints” and “fakes” weeded out).
Have a question or a comment?
We’re always excited to hear from the people who use Mavin. If you have a question or a suggestion on how to improve Mavin, we’d love to hear from you! Send us a message.